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Data Drop

Hi Everyone.


This is my contribution to the disclosure of cover ups that the media, governments and religions have been covering up. I wanted to drop this data to show you it's not all about just UAPs or UFOs but there are people out there like me that represent a different piece of the cover up pie. 


I am reluctant to share this information as I understand I'll get a lot of backlash from sharing many of these documents and my credibility will be shot at from all angles. What I will say to that is I have done my absolute best for this civilisation over the last few years to leave an irrefutable data trail timestamped with governments, the media and religions. If you take all the demonstrations I have made you will find that my work is not only statistically significant but mathematically irrefutable. I see the backlash I will get comparable to the backlash that Galileo got when he proposed the world was round and had all the data to prove it.


The following documents are a data drop documenting many things I have done to date and are only the tip of the iceberg to present a rough picture. The documents do not document all the data I have stored and by no means cover everything I have experienced, which is much much more. It is important to note I have done strategic demonstrations for governments, religions and the media leaving a irrefutable data trail behind that is mathematically undeniable in order to ensure I caught as many in the act of covering up the data, and truth, as possible. I've left the timestamped data trail for the civilization and it's undeniable those in power have seen it, now I'm just letting you know the data is there.


This is also Guerrilla marketing to get Societas Vincere growing, join us and join a thought revolution.


Best Regards



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